A High Level Interface

By Patrick Ferris on 2020-11-20 17:20:30 +00:00

We have seen the underlying mechanism for providing incrementalism in OCurrent (Current_incr and Term). Now we'll look at the high-level, user-facing library where we have the full-power of asynchronous programming to build pipelines.


Current is the intended library for users to interact with. We'll take a look at its core modules which provided a meaningful way to program incrementally and asynchronously. But first... let's rewrite plus in Current.

# #require "current"
# open Current.Syntax 
# let plus a b = 
    let open Current in 
    component "PLUS" |> 
    let** a = a 
    and* b = b in 
      return (a + b)
val plus : int Current.term -> int Current.term -> int Current.term = <fun>

And now we can run this inside the Current.Engine on a thread. The major difference now is how we generate our changeable inputs, the a and the b from before. Now we have to use the functor.

# module CInt = Current.Var (struct 
  include Int 
  let pp = Format.pp_print_int 
module CInt :
    type t
    val get : t -> int Current.term
    val create : name:string -> int Current_term.Output.t -> t
    val set : t -> int Current_term.Output.t -> unit
    val update :
      t -> (int Current_term.Output.t -> int Current_term.Output.t) -> unit

From the signature you can also see we need a way to work with Current_term.Output.ts --